I’m Manoj Mohan, from Trivandrum, Kerala. I suffer from SMA Type 2. I’m 37 years old now (2020) and work as Chief Manager in a bank.
The onset of symptoms was observed at around 1 year of age due to delays in achieving milestones and at around 18 months, a provisional diagnosis of SMA was clinically made. There were muscle weakness, muscle atrophy and Hypotonia observed.
Through an EMG undergone at 3 years of age, SMA was confirmed. As per the SMN test carried out in 2017, it was observed that there is no SMN1 gene and that there are three copies of SMN2.
None else in my family or extended family on my parents’ side has this disease.
The following Motor functions had been achieved:
Grasping (at around 4 months, but very weak grasp now), Sitting with support (from 12 months), maintaining head upright without support (4 months), Rolling independently (7 months, but gradually lost at around 19 years), walk with support (achieved at 18 months, gradually lost at 20 years).
I have never been able to use restroom or take bath by myself and am helped by my parents for the same.